It took me a while to get back... and I dont have the interface in front of me right now to check what you mean... but...
1) I think file sizes are displayed in full length currently. This will be improved sooner or later. I think full file size display is importent since a single byte difference can count. But a better display will come. This release was focused to format all kind of speed values better.
The Speed number in download tab?? Dont know what you mean

maybe the transfer rate?
There is a speed column in search tab but this one displayed just numbers before and is now extended with text.
2) The relevance of the Rating column is questionable... I try come up with a better way to display the quality of a file.
3) Phex download candidate selection should iterate over all candidates before it retries a busy candidate. A busy candidate gets a penalty of 60 seconds during which it is not tried again even if all other candidates have been tried.
But this is not blocking a slot directly. After a candidate is found busy the next candidate is tried immediatly.
4) You can turn of the icons column (the toolbar) from the options. Personally I dont use the view menu, just the toolbar. I'm willing and very happy to replace the ugly icons with anything better anyone can offer.
Thanks for your feedback and good ideas. They help a lot to make Phex a bit better with every release.