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Old September 3rd, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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um ... LW pro costs US $18.88 .. that's what I was saying. Go to LW's menu bar, Help>About LimeWire & does it say LW pro? (see image below) If it doesn't say pro then you didn't purchase pro but might have bought it at a scam site who directed you to the LW Basic version downld site. If I'm wrong then my apologies. Just checking. (LW Basic is free.)

LW Pro offers 6 months of updates from the day of purchase. If it's moer than 6 mths since you purchased it then you won't be able to get more updates for pro without repurchasing it. You would have received an email with a link to your personal downld page. Most people bookmark this page. If you didn't then you can go to the LimeWire site & go to support section & pro users & go thru their check to get your personal downld/update page back.
Attached Thumbnails
How to load limewire to another pc?-lw-pro-about2.gif  
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