connection attempts I've noticed that XoloX is very sloppy when it comes to exiting. It doesn't tell the gnutella network that you are disconnected and people keep trying to connect even when XoloX is not running. No other P2P file sharing program that I know of does this because they tell the network you are not there before exiting. This is one of the many reasons I don't use xolox any more. It's also possible to cause w2k or nt to shutdown or restart thru xolox, I can't figure out how they do it, but my w2k machine ALWAYS shuts down or restarts randomly when I run xolox on it. (No it's not a crash causing the reboot or shutdown.) Xolox is for lamers and I do not recommend anyone use it when there are better options on the way. Many of the P2P programs out there will soon be using multiple source downloading like xolox does anyway. I think gnotella already uses it! Unless the xolox team gets off it's *** and updates this thing, it's history.
As for how to stop the connection attempts, use a firewall to block TCP port 6346 IN/OUT and use a different port for the file sharing program you do use. |