Hate to tell you this Sgt but I run Windows XP and in my task manager I currently have 59 processes running. Windows XP is a good program if you have the resources for it. I can run limewire have my browser open and play Half Life 2 at the same time. My current configuration is as followers.
AMD 64 3200+ Over Clocked 2.4Ghz
1 gb corsair PC 3200 RAM
EVGA e-GeForce 6200 256mb
2 - Fujitsu 74GB 15,000 rpm Ultra 320 set to 0 - Raid hard drives
1 - Western Digita 120GB hard drive
C: Drive Windows XP PRO SP/2
D: Drive Windows XP PRO 64 bit SP/1.4
E: Drive Windows Longhorn
I have no problem at all with XP
A little common sense goes a long way
Later Grandpa
Last edited by Grandpa; September 5th, 2005 at 08:13 AM.