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  #28 (permalink)  
Old September 5th, 2005
ante1 ante1 is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Posts: 19
ante1 is flying high

In the last picture I saw you were using 343mb of memory. I also read in a earlier post that you are running Windows XP
((((grand pa))))))
man my ram 512 not 343...
it is really 512 cuz when the man give me it he give me 2 ram 256+256
and what that wrong speed???????
and if that maybe can hapened how i can be sure
EVEREST Corporate Edition...this program tell me 3000mgh

and pls let me back to lime wire ant the broblem with restart it self why that hapened and how i can solve or fix this broblem >>
some thing more for ((((Sgt))))
if that true that mean will y pc restart with and with out lime wire
but what i see and sow my pc only while i am using the lime wire
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