Originally posted by superniceguy
and all so if i got a 96k modem how come i downloaded something at 67Kbps but the norm for me it 5-9 (Sometimes up to 12)
67kbps = 67 KiloBitswhich converted to kiloBYTES (/8) =8KBps
So looks like your bandwidth is being maxed. All is good.
btw, you can be an Ultrapeer if you are sharing zero files. In fact, if your files are in high demand, you help the network more by being an uploader, and since being an ultrapeer uses up about the equivalent of one upload slot (8-15 KB/s), LimeWire may automatically switch you to leaf mode under those conditions.
Don't worry however: leafs get just as good (sometimes even better) searching and downloading than Ultrapeers.