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Old September 5th, 2005
Leanne2201 Leanne2201 is offline
Join Date: September 4th, 2005
Posts: 3
Leanne2201 is flying high

Glad to see it ain't just me.

a friend sent me one version, and then i got a different version from

And some of this stuff I know, but yeah, I'm pretty thick when it comes to computers too

OS, Windows XP
CPU, (no idea what this is, how dya find out?)
Memory (again, not a clue, but i think it's fairly low
Video card & platform Radion 9800/Nvidia 6600/ On board intell 580 (huh?)
Connection (always connected, DSL right?)
LimeWire Version 4.8.1/4.9.11 (tried both i think)
Java Version (not a clue)
Are you using a router (nope)
What firewall you use if any (got one on here, but its not active right now, i even tried activating it and adding LW to it, but still no luck)
What Antivirus if any (command)
Are you new to LimeWire or Experienced (total newbie-but my friend didnt have a problem and she's worse at computer stuff than I am)
An accurate description of your problem (it tells me everything has installed fine, but when i double click or click from the task menu, the timer appears for about 5 secs like its loading but then disappears. it doesn't come up as running on task manager and it doesn't on the processes window either)

*shrug* thats about all I can tell ya, sorry, but it's really appreciated that everyones even trying to help us
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