ok I am still going through stickys and threads looking for one that addresses the problem I was having. Even though I have solved my problem I still want to see another thread addressing this peoblem. I went to the
open discussions forum and looked at almost all the stickys at least the ones that looked remotely like they may have an answer. I even went through almost all of them in the
MAJOR TOPICS for Open Discussion HELP thread and several of the links that are linked from there. Anyways Only A Hobo gave me an idea or got me thinking on how to do it and I figured out the rest. I think I gave a pretty detailed explanation as to how to go about sharing your entire iTunes library.
I did notice one thing though. The titles of the music I have purchased from the iTunes music store show up in red text in Limewire while all the music titles I ripped from CDs show up in black text. I'm not sure if the red ones are not being shared because of a license issue or what.
btw Lord of the Rings maybe you could make a sticky out of this thread or at least my part of it that deals with this exact issue and retitle it clearly stating that it is about how to share your iTunes library and maybe you won't have to deal with someone else like me in the future.
