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Old September 8th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Mohannad ... when you said:
"hi all of you readers don't you think that a guy having a 56 Kb/s connection speed for 70 $ /month suks . i mean whan kind of idiot will accept that."

my reply was , to put it another way saying "That is a lot of money, I sympathise!

I should not use some words when talking to a non English speaker, but your English seemed so good that I assumed, the way the British tend to, that you could understand anything in English. Sorry about that!

typo is a term we seem to have taken from the USA .. it means typing error. Ouch is what we say when we hurt ourselves, and Good Grief, is one of the politer expressions which express surprise or astonishment.

I hope this makes it clear, and sorry to have confused you!
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