Damn it, i'm really confused! I had the old version on limewire and finally decided to update it, but when i downloaded it, it said there was an older version still running so i closed it tried again and it aid the same, so then i though hey may aswell jst completely remove the old version, then it can't say its running as its not there, but it did it said exactly the same thing over and over again and i'm starting to get really annoyed, now i have no limewire at all and i'm really upset!

I want my music lol my dad is going to kill me! I don't remember exactly but i think i may have got a scam version of limewire as i think ym dad may of paid, which i thought was a little odd, if so what do i do, is there no way i can download limewire now

Please help me i really son't know what to doxxx