mouze i feel your pain Glad (sorta) to hear this is not only my problem. Firstly if anyone else has this problem please list specifics as to operating system, versions, solutions and failures, etc. I will keep an eye on this as long as it is active.
Secondly, Most other instances of this problem or similar problems have had the grafic driver or java version to blame. I know that some of the issues have been fixed with the new version of Limewire, but there could be more issues who knows. I have a redion 9600 pro and dont know what driver, but it seems to make sense as soon as i started updating it screwed up. most solutions for other cards said roll back the driver.
Thirdly (and probably lastly for now) I hope the creators of Lime Wire can take note and try to fix this problem. Please fix this! Thanks for your hard work in the program hope 4.9.30 is problem free!
Input is welcome!
- Jonathan2133
Last edited by jonathan2133; September 11th, 2005 at 07:39 PM.