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Old November 14th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
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Join Date: March 24th, 2001
Posts: 144
SRL is flying high

Well, that may be true but not many users keep a java compiler and CVS software on hand.

Still, such versions are bound to get passed around, and will probably be easy to find on the gnutella net itself. ;-)

It does highlight a problem though. For the cash you'll make, you could drive off users. Less popularity then means even less ad revenue. It's sort of a self-unfulfilling prophesy. Recently LimeWire's really been gaining on BearShare - perhaps in part because of it's adware free status. It would be sad to see users turn away from it now.

I'm sympathetic with your problem - you need to make money somehow and I do hope you find a way. It's just I'd be very careful of the software bundles you include - even if optional. Some have a *very* bad reputation, and are known to cause real problems - the people behind them view users only as a resource to exploit.

Rightly or wrongly, people will judge LimeWire by the company it keeps.