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Old September 13th, 2005
just4me87 just4me87 is offline
Join Date: September 13th, 2005
Posts: 4
just4me87 is flying high

no, the files do not go to "verfying file content" since limewire (downloading rate and remaining time columns" freeze after few seconds. and that happens to all the downloads, not only the two downloads with 99% and 98%.

I noticed that the limewire program is very slow, it is like that all the rams in my pc are being used, eventhough that any other application im my pc works just fine (internet explorer, all media players, etc.....) which means that the rams are not the problem. weird!!!

i noticed also that the freezing start when ever the lil bandwidth consumption bar "in the pro version" reaches 36kb/s (downloading). after that, the downloading rate, the time remaining, and even the bandwidth consumption bar freeze.!!

any idea??? please help. i am starting to lose my mind
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