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Old September 15th, 2005
Cadiniller Cadiniller is offline
Join Date: September 15th, 2005
Posts: 2
Cadiniller is flying high

1: If that just windows, because if that's it then it's Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (EDIT: Ah, forgive my not-smartyness with this. OS just slipped my mind. I need more sleep.)

2: I have te windows and Trend Micro 2005 ones on now, and they havn't been a problem pefore.

3: The original RAM was 500 and something megabytes, I can't remember but it's the standard. But I changed it by changing hard drive memory into RAM so now it's 1349M

4: 9.35 Gig


6: Modem is Telstra NT1 Plus II, router is D-Link DI-804HV

7: Home

8: LimeWire version is 4.9.11 and JavaScript is 1.4.2_05

9: Testra Bigpond

10: Yes, it's sharing with a laptop (hence the router). The other computer, I don't know anything about it

11: It came up with 'Your test worked!'

But this problem mainly seems to be that LimeWire can't tell that my local area connection is really more like an internet connection.

Last edited by Cadiniller; September 15th, 2005 at 08:58 AM.
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