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  #25 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2005
isamoor isamoor is offline
Join Date: June 7th, 2003
Posts: 11
isamoor is flying high

Wow. Tons of people are very silly on here.

Here is a couple points I will make:

1. *Users* - ignore this thread. Pay attention again when I2P is released.

2. *Developers* - At least take the time to understand what I2P is. It might be worth your time to make your gnutella client compatible with I2P. Azureus already has preliminary support for I2P integrated into their client. With I2P, IPs are replaced with Base64 definitions. So you would not be reinventing gnutella, just making it work over a different protocal.

I2P *does* have good documentation on their main site (it's not just a forum anymore, nor has it been for awhile):
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