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Old September 15th, 2005
miscgrl miscgrl is offline
Join Date: September 15th, 2005
Posts: 2
miscgrl is flying high
Default Firewall/Connection Mac OSX Issues

Hey - I just upgraded to the latest version of Limewire and I'm having issues connecting. I've read through loads of other threads and I'm still not finding solutions. I tried the page to test the limewire port, it would not load (does that mean my ISP is blocking Limewire? - it was working before!)

I have Mac OSX on a Powerbook G4, I have no firewalls running, and my wireless internet is working perfectly. However, it keeps trying to connect unsucessfully and giving me the message that either my internet isn't working or I have a firewall blocking limewire.

Any suggestions/help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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