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Old September 16th, 2005
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ultracross ultracross is offline
FrostWire Developer
Join Date: February 7th, 2005
Posts: 815
ultracross is flying high

i go through my library atleast once a month and sort out all my music, tags, and filenames. i also do this almost immediately after i download something so it doesnt become a great task to continue doing it.

some great tools are out there that will help you sort out your stuff. i recommend renaming audio files in the: artist - title.mp3 form. keeping your tags and genres well named, sorted and clean will allow others to be thankfull for your share. i also recommend removing any unnecisarry comments that people like to throw in their. i usually just use my mp3 tagger (or winamp) to go through my whole library and remove them all. and i also make sure that each band has the same genre as its other music.

i am very proud of my library, you should be too. i put alot of time into it.
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