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Old September 19th, 2005
ams123 ams123 is offline
Join Date: September 19th, 2005
Posts: 12
ams123 is flying high
Question no one can upload from me

just downloaded and installed the most recent version of Lime Wire on my PC running windows XP home edition

the computer I am using is one of 3 on my network.

I use a linksys router

I have put 100 movie files in my shared folder.

When I go to library I see them and they are all getting Hits.

I have not had one upload.
Does this mean no one wants my files?


is it that they cannot upload files from me because of my network or firewall.


on a side note: when you search can you see your own files?


side note #2: what determines the quality of a file. In other words how do I get my stars?

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Last edited by Lord of the Rings; September 19th, 2005 at 03:33 PM.
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