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Old September 19th, 2005
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Dear ams123,

Let me start by saying that I hope that you own the copyrights to the 100 movies you added to your shared folder otherwise you will have big problems real soon.

If you are using a linksys router you should make sure that you are forwarding port 6346 to the IP address of the computer running limewire.

As for hits and no uploads, the hits just mean that someone searched and your machine returned the file or files you are sharing as a result. In the column that shows x/y x=actual uploads and y = attempted uploads. If you see a lot of y and no x then that is a sure indication that people are trying to upload your files but are not able to for one reason or another.

Searching for files you are sharing -- No you will not see search results for files coming from the same machine you perform the search on. If you want to see the results produced by the machine sharing the files you should install limewire on another computer (assuming you have access and control of the other machines) and perform the search from one of those.

The quality of a file is based on a few things

1) connection speed when you first start limewire there is a mechanism that can determine your true speed aside from what you specified in the speed box.

2) Whether you are firewalled or not determines quality.
Attempted vs successful uploads etc.

3) Machine Load that is, the number of people connected to you attempting to upload files from your machine. These things impact your bandwidth and general file availability and thus impact the quality of the results you return.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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