Ok Grandpa.
1. XP
2. The only firewall I know is the one built into XP
3. 512 MB RAM
4. Don't know this one not too into my computer..
5. Cable
6. Adelphia is my provider that's all I could find..
7. Home
8. I can't even get into my LW so I can't find that
9. What's an ISP?
10. No other connection except my mothers wireless internet
- Linksys is the router thing.
11. it says your test worked
Sorry about the ones I couldn't get if you can tell me how to get to them, I'll tell you my information.
I've already done that first Help part and I'm allowing it. The second test about True and False i can't do because i can't get into the program it just shuts down before even starting to load.