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Old September 21st, 2005
stief stief is offline
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Hi Marc

Welcome, and nice first post: the preparation is much appreciated.

Some of what you say sounds normal. The "quick grab" might just be for a piece of the file--quite normal when you and many other hosts are providing the files. Such uploads show as "complete" but the % is less than 100%

When someone browses you, they may choose to download many of your files. They are usually new users who don't realize that 3 at a time is considered normal, but repeated attempts at more, trigger the automatic "Banned greedy client" treatment. Most of my files go to such folks, so I have set my prefs to allow them to download 10 at a time so they can avoid getting automatically banned by my settings.

However, the repeated attempts to get files that are unavailable is old behaviour from poor clients. Current clients will not repeatedly try for a file once it is unshared. Check the Vendor column of the monitor pane to see what version someone is using to get your file.

btw, you don't have to delete the files to unshare them. In your Library, there are many ways to stop sharing a file. Check out the menus there and see what else you get by right-clicking a file.

Easiest way to avoid paranoia about the copyright cartels is stay away from their junk
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