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Old September 23rd, 2005
rhythm rhythm is offline
Join Date: December 24th, 2003
Location: Ojai CA
Posts: 7
rhythm is flying high
Default T3 or Higher nonsense

I know this topic has been discussed before, about searching for a recent highly popular song and getting back tons of useless, corrupt T3 or Higher choices, often exclusively, with no other Cable/DSL peers showing up on the search list. Looking through past threads about this, I see that a suggestion was made back in 2004 to implement a filter for these, one that would allow you to choose just Cable/DSL and/or T1, but no T3Highers. If this has been implemented, I'm not yet finding it in my Preferences choices. Does anyone know the status on this?

Better still would be some sort of detection code in the download/upload program that detects and pre-screens out all corrupted files, but that would be pretty high-tech or expensive, I guess.

Also, does anyone know who these people are that are uploading all these corrupt files, and, more importantly, why they bother? What idiot has nothing better to do with his time than post a bunch of corrupt files, just to frustrate us? If it's
to plant some adware or virus on the computer, so far nothing like that has ever appeared on my Mac after attempting one of these corrupt files, so what's the deal?
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