Thanks for the reply Grandpa.
I don't know what a Bitz search is or how to do that. Could you advise?
I also can use some common sense to see when a T3 is listed 50 times in different file sizes, even though all the bit-rates are the same, obviously someone's lying out there! However, when those false T3's take up the whole search-return list, as often happens, that leaves you with nothing to DL. Example: this AM, tried to download hit single off brand new
*** CD, every single file listed was a T3Higher, no honest choices available, so common sense kinda useless. If all those corrupt files weren't there, there'd be room for possible Cable/DSL or T1 non-corrupt ones, but no, these idiot spammers taking up all the space!
You didn't respond to the other part of my query, who and why these spammers. Perhaps you don't know. Thanks anyway
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