hi, you said u found dvd santa trust me u will have problems with this software u will get away with the odd film but i found a lot of the time when converting a film there is no sound its a big problem with the software. and also its slow. all you need is win avi 5.8 and nero 6 ultra edition, they r a perfectly good pair of software if u download nero6 off limewire you will probably get the serial key with it. you also said that you could not find the file to burn are you making sure your converting to dvd. it wilkl not show up if its a diffrent format, when win avi opens click on dvd when you get the next sub options it will come up with a screen and you browse for the file you want to convert after that a screen will come up saying what your converting to and above that it will give you the file your converting and its destination path. if u have any more problems private message me and i will give you my msn email and i will directly send you my version of win avi and nero 6 ultra edition. if you already have nero 6 ultra edition and just require a key try downloading the key off limewire dont get cracks they r exe. files and they almost everytime have viruses always scan an exe. flie or any win zip file for viruses before opening them off limewire as you get a lot of people who think its amusing to send such files. keep trying m8 u will get there in the end in the end trust me. |