I've been asking about the codex issue and either no one bothers to answer, or no one knows anything either. Very frustrating, since the forum is about our only form of troubleshooting and issue sharing.
I keep seeing the extension mov in the downloads and I'm afraid to select them for fear that I have nothing that will play them.
Since I started with LimeWire, I've paid for and downloaded several different burn and play programs. So far I have Nero, Roxio, QuickTime (which I can't get to work with anything), RealPlayer (which I thought would play movies, but can only get music,) Alcohol 120% and *******Viewer.
I did the free download of DVDShrink to work with Alcohol 120% so I could copy my DVD's to my computer in hopes of sharing it with other LW patrons. So far I get the movie to copy in chapters, one at a time. It plays back beautifully, but doesn't work for others to download. |