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Old October 3rd, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Malek. I once before wrongly accused someone of being a freeloader, and so I re read your post a few times before making the same mistake again ... Apologies!

In my earlier post, when I said Network, I was referring to the Gnutella Networtk, not your local network.

If you have a computer running Limewire with all uploading capabilities switched off and with no files being shared, this will not prevent incoming searches from the gnutella network coming into your computer. They are searches being sent across the gnutella network and in the case of this computer, no search will be successful. If you see a search corresponding to a file on your computer, then that is a pure coincidence. The fact that you have sharing switched off means that search will not find anything in YOUR computer.

If you don't believe me, go to options or preferences>Sharing>Shared extensions>and clear the window of all extensions. Then you know you are safe.

Just remember that the bigger risk will probably be from a virus infected download, so ensure you are fully up to date with your virus protection.

I hope this clarifies things and puts your mind at rest
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