November 19th, 2001
Administrator | | Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
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Re: General Gnutella Developers Quote: Originally posted by Moak How about a section
'General Gnutella Developers'
to seperate users questions from developers "stuid high tech" discussions? That way propably more users are attracted to talk about Gnutella's future and developers find a forum to meet and exchange their knowledge and ideas. I think dreams, ideas and knowledge are a key to an improved Gnutella (okay _hard_ work from the client developers is another!).
I know there is not a lot of interest right now. Just an idea, I'm a little bit sorry that Gnutella does not get further developed, or not in any significant speed. Energy was wasted in offtopic discussions (about Spyware, closed-doors-information-policy or civilwars between developers), while other proprietary protocols like FastTrack are currently much more modern, share more files and have more users. Ah, don't forget eDonkey and Audiogalaxy, very famous too, more promising protocolls will come.
Gnutella is (or was?) a promising approach for file sharing, let's envolve!
Happy sharing, Moak 
PS: Currently I'm working together with another computer nerd on a way to improve Gnutella behind firewalls/NAT-routers (open source). But seeing the stopping development (and statements from some client developers), I'm running out of motivation. | Done. http://www.gnutellaforums.com/forumd...?s=&forumid=42 |