Download Speed Bubblybubbles
Your download speed depends on several factors:
1) Your connection speed
2) The amount of traffic on the internet (just like a road, the more traffic you have the slower your progress)
3) The quality of the line where your download has to travel through, e.g. if your download is coming from, say, a rural area in Russia where the quality of line is old and outdated then you will have a slower download.
4) The distance your download is coming from, i.e. I live in the UK and I have found that my downloads from Germany are a lot faster than those from Japan.
5) And above all, the upload speed of the client you are downloading from, if the PC you are downloading from has a modem connection then, no matter what you do, you will always download at a very slow speed.
I have a 2MB broadband connection which, for some reason, connects at 2.2Mbs and I get download speeds ranging from 0Kbs (so slow LW doesn't even register it) to anything upto 2000+ kbs.
There are other factors that govern your download speed but I think I have covered the major ones, unless another forum member says differently.
UK Bob
Last edited by ukbobboy01; October 5th, 2005 at 10:10 AM.