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Old October 5th, 2005
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Originally posted by bubblybubbles
ok, so does that mean that when there is a broken white box, that the download was NOT successful? also, how can you tell the amount of people that have downloaded that song successfully? and just one more thing, do you download from the same speed as your connection, or doesn't it matter?
The broken white box means that, at some time, the download has failed / been cancelled. If you try it again, for instance if the download failed yesterday, you may well be successful.

You cannot tell how many, if any, people have downloaded that song successfully. If however 20 people are sharing EXACTLY the same file, it is likeley it originally came from the same source. This does not however mean that any of those 20 copies are neccessarily any good

If you have a cable DSL connection it does not matter if you download from a Modem or a T3. Speed will vary though as Bobboy explained.
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