ag101 You have made a very good point ...
not I think that posts should necessarily be deleted, but that at least the stickies should be tidied considerably. It would make life easier for everyone. I have just checked out "For thorse who can't connect" and "...part deux". They are filled with pages and pages of problems and few solutions. A number of problems are being raised recently notably about firewalls and inability to download, and if the answers are there it is very hard to find them for those of us who know their way about, so how we can expect the novice to manage it.......... I notice some stickies are closed which has annoyed me in the past as I felt, probably along with hundreds of others, that I had something useful to add. So we would all have added our bit and the sticky would have become useless

Stickies should be closed, and only ammended by moderators.
I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer to either of these problems and tooking reasonably quickly through the forums I can't see how to find answers, or if they are there.
Any thoughts?????????