Labour Intensive Hobo and AG
I think I may have a solution to the novice problem but, unfortunately, it is somewhat labour intensive and probably a thankless task.
As you know, the stickies contain a wealth of information that is difficult for anyone, let alone novices, to navigate. Therefore we need some sort of prominent Navigator that which lists all the problems novices have, along with a URL link to the stickie or posting with the most relevant answer.
Creating an appropriate Navigator would be a problem, one that exudes user friendliness, to attract novices, but serious enough to show that this is an effective and useful tool.
Reading through and deciding which stickie or posting was the most relevant to a particular problem would also be difficult because, as most computer users know, there are several different ways to tackle and solve any given problem.
To tell the truth, I can't see my suggestion getting off the ground because it would either require a very dedicated person or a team of people to complete and implement.
UK Bob |