I haven't figured out the port settings Sorry!
So as not to confuse you or my self

please remember this
" don't get confused between KB/s & kbps because they're not the same. kbps = kilo bits per second, whereas KB/s = Kilo Bytes per second. 8 bits = 1 Byte."
Download rates will vary considerably, depending on the host at the other end, restrictions by isps and general trafic on the network.
I have the feeling that some isps, when they realise someone is operating p2p will lower the speed fairly drastically.
If you visit
http://www.limewire.com/english/content/features.shtml > Features History ... You will find the history of different Limewire versions. Each of these is (or was) available as a pro version. just with the word pro tagged on the end.