A couple more things ... The correct forum would probably be Limewire>open, but don't try to continue the thread there because that will only confuse
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/forumd....php?forumid=7 Is the opening page for the Limewire forums and you can chose which of them will suit your query best.. Users should not use Beta forum unless they are tesing new untried versions called Betas.
An alernative way to receive e-mails is through a web based organisation like Yahoo or Hotmail (you can google to find them), but to view mails you need to visit a web page a bit like you do with these forums.
Your internet service provider should be able to guide you through setting thir own E-mail system for which you would need an e-mail address and password that they will provide.
I hope we understand each other a bit now... Let us know if this makes sense.