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Old October 9th, 2005
chrisw25 chrisw25 is offline
Join Date: October 9th, 2005
Posts: 7
chrisw25 is flying high
Default Reason for slow UPLOAD speeds?

Hi all,

For some reason, my upload rate has always been really slow. Rarely does it get above 5KB/s. Yesterday, all of a sudden it was averaging around 40KB/s. today it's dropped back to the normal slow speed I'm used to. I have not changed any of my settings recently, though I did recently upgrade to Limewire 4.9.30.

Does anyone have any idea how I can change my setup so that I keep my upload rate at a high level? I'm running Windows XP and ZoneAlarm 6 (though I've tried shutting this down and it doesn't help).

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