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Old October 10th, 2005
ag101 ag101 is offline
Join Date: October 7th, 2005
Posts: 18
ag101 is flying high
Default Another possible solution that may fix ALL LimeWire connection/download problems!

Hello all,

My LimeWire works at last!!!
My computer (WinXP) very strangely created (on it's own) a new network connection (Internet Gateway) - and is connected to the internet via this connection. It does not use the standard "Dial-up" or "LAN or High-Speed Internet" network that it used to.
All my programs now connect via this new network - incl. LimeWire - which is now at full speed.

I must mantion there is a "glitch" in my PC - I am directly connected to the internet when I turn on my PC. My cable internet service actually requires me to run a dialer program - dial in by clicking on the Connect button, then it verifies my username and password, then finally connects me to the intenet. I cannot bypass this step. I MUST use my dialer and connect first - if I am to connect to the internet.
But since the creation of this new network, I am directly connected - without having to dial in. If I try to dial in, I get an error most of the time.

I suggest all of you who are not able to connect, or get firewall messages or who get connected but are not able to download, try manually creating a new internet connection. Connect to the internet via that new connection and try to see if you can get LW working again.
Mine just did - all all the problems seem solved!

Case History:
Installed LimeWire a few weeks back. LimeWire was great - seemed to be the next best p2p since AudioGalaxy!
A few days back, it just stopped connecting and sharing files - just like that - for no apparent reason - out of the blue.

I installed LW when my ISP was going thru a bad patch - they had just offered increased download speeds to all subscribers at the start of the month. Somehow they messed up somewhere and all of us were getting pathethic speeds (below 1 kBps) and the service would keep disconnecting - sometimes as frequently as 5 mins apart. On an average, I would get 1kbps and a disconnect every 1 or 2 hours!

In spite of this, LimeWire would connect as soon as the internet connection was restored - and would utilize as much of the internet connection as possible. A testimony to the fine engineering done on this product!

A few days back, the ISP managed to clear up all their issues - my internet connection was back to normal speed. I have a 48kbps subscription - and I am getting an average of 45kbps - which makes this is a very dependable service. Also the line gets disconnected just once every day or alternate day.
I noticed LimeWire stopped working the very day (actually the very part of the day) that the connection was fixed. Nothing I did would get LW to work - including all the solutions mentioned in these forums/posts.

Running Environment: WinXP Pro with all the updates. Windows Firewall is turned off. Java is v1.5 - that latest version. LimeWire is using uPnP. Using Port 6346 UDP as well as TCP, and Listening at port 34976 (this is the default port). No other firewall or antivirus installed on the PC.

Post your findings here. Let the other know if this worked for you or not. If you people post back, we can have more ideas and solutions as to what to do next.
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