Thanks for the tip Hobo. Sounds like Jerry's display of results isn't working, which may be a java install problem, a bad skin, or some Windows situation.
Jerry, try again with a "What's New" search (rather than keyword or Direct Connect)
If no results show in the new search tab after the lime stops spinning, you definitely have a display problem.
If so, use the view menu to switch to a different "skin" and try a search again. That should refresh the display.
If no difference, find out what version of java you are using: it's listed in the "About LimeWire" box, and also in the bug report example in the options.
I vaguely recall a similar problem a while back, but Hobo and I are using macs. I'll see if I can dig up a link if the above steps don't help.
(oh, and you can use the little magnifying glass on the search button at the bottom of any post to find all your previous posts). |