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Old November 20th, 2001
Shaktani Shaktani is offline
Join Date: September 20th, 2001
Location: Denmark
Posts: 11
Shaktani is flying high
Angry Crash, crash, crash.

Whenever I run 1.8 it crashes and locks up the entire system. It's not a matter of if -- only of when. Sometimes I can search and download for up to 20 minutes before it happens -- other times it's instantanous upon launch. Surely this cannot be considered acceptable. I run OS 9.2 on a G4 with plenty RAM and whatnot and DSL to boot, so there should be no tech issues.

Pleeeease don't tell me to wait for 1.9. I was JUST celebrating 1.8 because it might mean I could actually begin downloading again (seeing as that 1.7 wouldn't install properly at all :P).
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