(OS WinXP Pro)
Ok, so i had to sit and watch LimeWire popping up while i didn't want it to. Very annoying. So read it had to be a virus. The following was what i did to get rid of it:
1. Make sure that every folder displays everything that is actually IN the folder. (See the first thread in the forum from kc0rkx_finch.
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...hlight=WORM%2A )
2. Run a scan with TrendMicro. It's free and it's good. I only
scanned the following maps of which i suspected could hold the virus: c:\windows, c:\documents and settings and c:\program files. It is much faster than scanning your entire PC. Though i recommend to do it after all done.
3. Copy taskmgr etc etc to the desktop (see the first thread)
4. Remove LimeWire with in the software configuration.
5. Search your PC for everything with LimeWire in it and keep that window opened (see 6). There still will be files with limewire in it even while it has been removed.
6. Start taskmgr from your desktop (NOT via Start)
7. Kill LimeWire and delete all files containing the name LimeWire.
8. Kill the infected files found by TrendMicro (if running)
9. Relocate the infected files to your desktop. (Mine was MsUpdate.exe and a few alike). You can also delete them i guess but i read something about donating them to norton for helping them out...
10. Reboot.
After everything above has been done you should be 'virusfree' and LimeWire will no longer be popping up. I must say this is how i got rid of it and i hope i didn't leave anything out. Don't forget to run another scan with TrendMicro.
Hope this will be of some help.
Edit: I forgot to mention you can reinstall LimeWire and your problems are no longer. Do remember to read the forum carefully. Especially this one:
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/showth...threadid=41432. I got my virus through downloading one of these ignorant files mentioned in this thread. Great!
Edit 2: I saw i made a new threat... oops.. i'm a noobie on fora, sry.