I must have missed seeing the unzipped folder which is a high possibility before i unzipped it. I'm surprised Tiger has dropped auto support for Stuffit. Must be a pr problem b/w apple & the new owners. After all, SITX is a more efficient archive than zip.
SITX is maybe more efficient than zip but I can still counter with bzip2. Stuffit is dead and bandwidth is currently not our main problem.
So what program does Tiger offer to unzip files?
Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 have build-in support for the following types: bz, bz2, cpgz, cpio, gz, tar, tbz, tbz2, tgz, z and zip. And through the Create Archive command you can even create zip files. Read the ****ing Handbook!
So FW is designed to run only "if" LW is not? K then! lol 
Having more than one p2p app running is what most of the mods do. I'll report back then when/if I have something more constructive & worthy to feedback upon.
No, LW is designed to not let you open more than one instance and FW inherit this function.