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Old October 13th, 2005
Helltech Helltech is offline
Join Date: October 12th, 2005
Posts: 13
Helltech is flying high
Default Re: LOst everything to Spyware Scanner

Originally posted by Jolly J
I ran my Spyware Stormer program an hour ago. Just tried to log on to Limewire and find I have no Limewire files at all on my system. All gone! I read the blurb on Limewire and it says it is not Spyware. So why have all the files been wiped? We're talking everything here, no .exe files, nothing left.
Meh, how troublesome trying to explain spyware to some.

Spyware Stormer, IS spyware, geeze.

Ewidio, is really only a one time use program, because you can only use it for one week, but it is the best of the best, and you will only need to use it once.

Avast is probably one of the worlds best ant-virus protections, and on a side note, Norton, is one of the worst.

Microsoft-AntiSpyware, just owns, so get it ....

All of these are free, but ewido you can only use withing a week you download it.
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