Originally posted by pawelsz Why to use another clone of LimeWire ?
Please choose something that is created from beggining as Free and Unlimited Gnutella client.
You dont need wait for another LimeWire clone !
Advantages of PHEX:
it's Free - free for price, and Free because released under GPL
it's stable - PHEX is very mature project
it's unlimitd - PHEX is created to be Unlimited [you dont need to modify it to download some "warez" materials]
it exists - PHEX is HERE since few years, you dont need to wait for release - just go to http://phex.org/ and download it NOW.
its safe - PHEX recived Softpedia "100% FREE" award for
contain NO spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors. [unlike many LimeWire clones]
How well will Phex work with Windows XP?