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Old October 15th, 2005
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. Im sure someone will correct me if Im wrong. I can get over ten hits on a file but, oddly enough I dont have ten users uploading it, sometimes, just one user trying to upload. It also depends on how many slots you have open for downloaders. Ive just noticed that in Limewire, I can have up to 50 hits but rarely anyone uploading the files. A hit just means its a hit, and not really an upload. I think, anyway, like I said, Im sure I'll be corrected if Im mistaken. I cant explain it too well. Ten people wouldnt be able to upload the same file from you at once unless you had the slots open, so, it becomes a hit and not an upload, did that make sense?
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