Thread: Forgets setup
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Old November 21st, 2001
germane germane is offline
Join Date: November 21st, 2001
Posts: 2
germane is flying high

As far as I can remember (I am writing from work, Limewire is on my laptop at home) I installed LimeWire in /usr/local/... (I guess I just took the default location) as root, but I am using it as a normal user, so I expect it writes something like a '.limewire' file in my user's home directory, not in the installation directory that obviously belongs to root. If LimeWire behaves differently it does not conform to the Unix philosophy but to that of Windows ME (not even Windows 2000) where there is just one user per computer. Ok, I'll make the LimeWire installation directory writable by everybody, but I don't like this workaround.
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