Downloads and Saving to CD problems. can someone please help me. I have been downloading for two days. Made 2 cd of my best oldies that i use to listen to as a child. But today after downing, i went to save the same way as i saved the other cds and when i went to copy the downloads today i could not. The reason is because windows xp or someone (maybe a hacker using my shared fileds), changed the way it is saving my downloads.
I need help finding the correct folders to save my downloads in again. Now they are being saved to documents\program setting\audio, shared files, or something like that. When i try to open the file it will not open.
Another thing, when i click on a song to download now it will down load and play. But when i go to burn it on a cd using Roxio cd maker Roxio cannot read the file.
I have a Emachine computer . Runing WindowsXP, and Windows Media Player. Please help me. Thanks. |