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  #56 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2005
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Default Music Spam

I noticed this a few weeks back. But seems more prevalent now. 134.4 KB for mp3 spam. And 60.5 KB for a zip which I believe is no doubt a virus. I haven't checked their contents or attempted to download them. But arranging your downlds by size will at least put these files at the bottom of the list. (ie: double-click the top of the size column will arrange the search results with largest at the top. See sample Arrange search results by size (click on link).) After all, how many true mp3's are less than 2 MB in size. lol I wonder if the RIAA have put a DRM license on these files. duh

Update: What these 134.4 KB files actually are: 1. bill clinton voice-overs, 2. Clinton Trojan Need a Fix Limewire!!!, 3. (Notice the T1 source for the spam ... same as the earlier discussed type of spam.)

* Late edit to show more recent examples of auto-generated spam: Typical file SIZEs of Spammed Virus files posing as audio files (click on link)

Attached Thumbnails
autogenerated spam results-mp3-spam.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 11th, 2009 at 12:38 PM. Reason: Edit to add link to newer sample images & file sizes to beware of.
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