Originally posted by 6_pac Some isp's are known to throttle back p2p networks, also if your d/ling from school they often filter or block p2p. If your isp or school is blocking you there isn't much you can do except try talking to them and see what their policies are on it or you can switch to another isp.
Then it could be in your settings. You can start by reading this thread here: A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance.... It will take some time and effort on your part but that's how I learned .
Also d/l speed is affected by other factors such as your connection speed, the speed of the person your d/ling from, how many sources are available, how many other people are trying to d/l the same file ect.
You can test your connection speed here: Speed Test |
Thanks 6_pac.....
I read everything on the link....then did the speed test... then configgered the puter to the upload speed.....everything else was pretty much set the way it should be.........but setting the upload setting must have done the trick...because its downloading faster....prolly as best as I can expect with dialup!
Alpha Zulu