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Old October 21st, 2005
nicole67 nicole67 is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2005
Posts: 2
nicole67 is flying high
Default With Limewire Version 4.9.33 my comp crashes at LW start up

Hi this is my first time posting to this forum. I've been using Limewire for several years now - never had a problem with it, and it always seems the safest client (for me anyway) to use. But lately, this new version and the previous one have given me horrible problems - if anyone could help I would be extremely grateful.

Ok what happens is (and only with these new versions) is the moment I click Limewire to open, the system freezes for about 5 secs and crashes. And a very quick blue screen comes up (for 2 secs) and then the whole comp restarts and when my desktop loads, the error msg is "the system has recovered from a serious error". This has never happened to me, and all the other programmes I have do not cause this, only Limewire. I've run Stinger, Norton Anti-Virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware and Ad Aware, and it didn't affect the problem at all.

Another thing - it won't crash every single time. Say out of every 3 times I use it, it'll crash twice. And I also uninstalled it and re-installed it. The same problem happened.

Can anyone help at all? I would be very grateful. Thank you.
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