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Old October 22nd, 2005
Teknoslasher Teknoslasher is offline
Join Date: October 21st, 2005
Posts: 5
Teknoslasher is flying high

Originally posted by BobbyNaini
3) Now we need to fool the virus into allowing us to open the Task Manager. This can be done by copying the Task Manager executable file from the Windows directory. To do this, go to c:\windows\system32, select the file taskmgr.exe, right click on it, and select Copy. Go to the desktop, and click on an empty part of the desktop. Then right click on the desktop, and select Paste.
Funny thing is, even after searching every little spot of my Windows folder, I can't find my Task Manager. Its as if it was deleted entirely from my computer.

I think I'm going to simply reformat and start off fresh again and unfortunately, find another P2P downloader and hope I can steer clear of these problems.

EDIT: My (mostlikely shortterm) fix (I'm overly aware I've not fixed it, just hidden it. Basically lack of a better word I guess) was to go into Run > Msconfig > Startup and thats where I noticed that there where so many things that shouldn't be, but have been starting up when my system starts.

I ticked the ones that I suspected (possibly even things that aren't affected by this problem) off. They were the following:


EDIT: Next problem, the 221 and svhostcs32 are very smartly coded. When I turned off the first ones, they doubled, I did it again, now I have four. After this, I suspect I'll have eight of them in my startup area.

EDIT: After large amount of consideration (popups saying many different problems have arisen and forced shutdowns), I've come to the decision I'ma reformat for sure.

I was wondering, are my downloaded files at all going to be affected by these problems and is there any way that I can install LW without having this happen and or can I eliminate the problem before it eliminates my Task Manager?

Why do LW allow this to come with the installation file?

Last edited by Teknoslasher; October 22nd, 2005 at 06:33 AM.
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