Interesting read....... and I followed the link to Cox's site as well. There are varying reports I've seen about them, and after looking at the Cox site, I think they are rather sitting on the fence. This link among others may be of interest:
You wrote: "I called the cable company and they said to disreguard it. They said they dont ask anybody to write to customers on behalf of the cable company.."
I'm not sure that whoever told you that was being quite truthful....... or perhaps they just don't know the first thing about the riaa or p2p.
Anyway, I hope it doesn't come to anything, but if it does give the riaa the **** they deserve

Why the hell can't they devote some of this energy to promoting unusual and exciting works instead of turning out the same homogeonised load of pap, which they know will make the boards of directors of the big companies lots of unearned money. good luck