Originally posted by Only A Hobo
I have been surprised by verdyp's condemnation of Frostwire. This is a part of the "about frostwire" credits
"Our most sincere thanks go to LimeWire LLC and its current and former developers who chose to make their client open-source and without whom this project would not have been possible:"
This From Frostwire's Website:
"We are busy building a website and creating a new design for the FrostWire Gnutella client. Since LimeWire is a registered trademark we cannot distribute the client under its old name. For that reason, we are looking for creative p2p fans that would like to create skins, design logos or websites. However we are also trying to get more people working on the Java core, the interface and the C++ windows installer (based on GnucDNA and NSIS). If you are interested in maintaining LimeWire's legacy get involved!
I did not say anything about the Frostwire website, this is irrelevant.
What I said was about the Frostwire distributed software, which currently comes without the credits required by the GPL. (for example the unilateral change in its resource bundles).
Remember that the Frostwire software may be distributed by other means than the Frostwire website alone.
So it is not enough to give credits on the Frostwire website, because this is not part of the distributed software itself. The GPL is clear: any copy must be provided along with all credits and copyright notices, and with a copy of the GPL licence.
So Frostwire must be modified to be conforming with the GPL licence (and this can be done easily by reintegrating the copyright notice and credits in the resource bundles).